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Landhead Primary School, Ballymoney

Welcome to our school

Welcome to our website.

We hope our website gives you a flavour of our school.

At Landhead we aim to give every child the very best start possible to their education through vibrant and engaging teaching, enabling the children to become active learners and by using an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum.

Throughout the school we want our children to enjoy a wide range of experiences which bring the curriculum to life and make learning fun. We celebrate the children’s successes and build on their talents and strengths.

All our staff work hard to ensure the best possible quality of education for the children in every year group.

An essential part of our school is engaging with parents and working in partnership to effectively meet the needs of the children. We operate an open door policy in that there is a climate that welcomes parents/carers, caters for their needs and listens to their concerns and opinions.

I hope you find our website useful, please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require further information.

Mr Nigel Charles



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Latest News

5th Feb 2025
Today Landhead celebrated 'World Read Aloud Day' by getting our children and staff...
16th Jan 2025
P1/2/3 have started to learn all about dinosaurs. They participated in some activity...


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Digital School of Distinction
Speakers Award
Rights Respecting