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Landhead Primary School, Ballymoney

Our School

Diva was our school cat. Sadly she passed away
Diva was our school cat. Sadly she passed away

Landhead was built in 1930. It was established through Trinity Church and has links still to the church through 4 Transferor Representatives on the Board of Governors. Landhead Primary is on the outskirts of Ballymoney on the Kilraughts Road. Our school is for children from age 4 – 11 years. It has a rich history of serving the needs of the local community, in particular Dunaghy village. More recently children have come from further afield as it is easily accessible from the bypass.

Technology is strength at Landhead Primary. It gives an avenue for children to succeed as citizens in a global society in which information is growing at an incredible rate. Technology can improve communication, enhance thinking skills, make instruction more efficient and effective, and develop life skills critical to success.

Digital School of Distinction
Speakers Award
Rights Respecting