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2017/2018 School Year
25th May 2018
For non-uniform day some of the children wore their hats and became Miss Henry’s...
24th May 2018
The P7 passed their theory test yesterday for cycling proficiency and followed it...
24th May 2018
Miss Henry has been talking to Foundation Stage about drones and drone safety. ...
23rd May 2018
Children praciticing for their cycling proficiency and for sports day.
18th May 2018
Alpha visited each class today.
He introduced himself and got the children...
18th May 2018
Miss Henry visited the P1 & 2s to see how creative they could be in Blokify...
15th May 2018
Today we had a visit from Erin and Karen representing Action Mental Health Northern...
10th May 2018
Today we had a visit from the RNLI. We were learning about how to keep safe on the...

Landhead Primary School, 78 Kilraughts Rd, Ballymoney, County Antrim, Northern Ireland BT53 7HL
Phone: 0282766306