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Landhead Primary School, Ballymoney


2023/2024 School Year

12th Dec 2023
We made our Christmas tree by recycling old cardboard boxes. We used our art...
3rd Oct 2023
P1/2/3 have been learning all about apples. They have have learning about the life...
26th Sep 2023
P1/2/3 have settled back to school really well.  They are learning all about...
20th Sep 2023
For art this term we are looking at all things Autumnal. Today we went on search...

2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
Amazing success, thank you to all parents, staff and children! We raised an amazing...
23rd Jun 2023
A huge well done to the children, parents, family and friends of all the children...
9th Jun 2023
A massive well done to the yellow house group  
Digital School of Distinction
Speakers Award
Rights Respecting