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Landhead Primary School, Ballymoney

News - Foundation Stage

13th Oct 2024
We all wore yellow to mark World Mental Health Day.  P1/2/3 discussed ways to...
4th Oct 2024
As part of our ‘Forests’ topic we have created a campsite in our role...
2nd Oct 2024
Some examples of P1/2/3 maths.  We have been investigating shapes and patterns....
2nd Oct 2024
P1/2/3 went on a minibeast hunt around school.  They worked in teams and were...
30th Aug 2024
What a brilliant first week for P1/2/3! All the children have settled back really...

2023/2024 School Year

7th Mar 2024
We had a brilliant day celebrating World Book Day.  We all came to school in...
29th Feb 2024
Jamie from Ballymoney Museum came to visit. She brought her collection of toys with...
13th Feb 2024
P1/2/3 learned how to make pancakes today.  They helped to measure the ingredients...
9th Feb 2024
We celebrated children’s mental health this week.  We learned strategies...
6th Feb 2024
P1/2/3 have been learning to to stay safe when using the internet. They had some...
Digital School of Distinction
Speakers Award
Rights Respecting