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ICT Parent Information Evening
22nd Apr 2016
There was a good turn out of parents who had a whistle stop tour of the programmes and Apps we use.
The feedback suggests that it was informative.
Parents got to see an overview of how ICT is approached and integrated throughout the curriculum.
They saw Dot and Dash, GAFE, Accelerated Reader, Fronter, eLearning, Excel, My Maths, Study Ladder, children's eBooks, picture and music Apps and much more.
As a result we will be running a 'Fun Animation' class for parents in the future.
Please do contact Miss Henry if you missed the evening or if you want to find out more.

Landhead Primary School, 78 Kilraughts Rd, Ballymoney, County Antrim, Northern Ireland BT53 7HL
Phone: 0282766306